Born in 1982, Colin Harbut is an artist living and working in Long Beach, California.
Bachelor of Fine Art Degree (BFA) from Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo.
Latest Work
In "Monhumants", Long Beach based painter Colin Harbut’s latest collection of partially-abstracted portraits, he explores the middle ground between two-dimensional painting and three-dimensional sculpture. Depicted alone against nearly empty backgrounds, these emotive, yet mask-like depictions simultaneously illustrate flatness and depth through their use of unsaturated hues. Resembling both broken, deconstructed relics and futuristic forms, these enduring archetypes feature radiating horizontal lines, as if we are witnessing them move in time before our very eyes. Their ethereal, Paul Cezanne-esque soft focus, reveals the constructive and destructive forces inherent in the passage of time. Here, Harbut helps us understand that even humankind’s most enduring stone monuments will eventually erode with the ages.
- Emily Nimptsch, Los Angeles Arts and Culture Writer